March 13, 2024
5 min read
Matt Gray

Send It Right: Crafting The Perfect Business Newsletter

Newsletters have come a long way since their physical formats of yesteryear. These days, it seems like everything’s competing for our attention. So why should a business spend its precious time on a newsletter?

Honestly, a well-crafted newsletter can be a total game-changer. A direct line to your customers, boosting brand awareness, building relationships — it does it all. A newsletter is your piece of the internet where you can truly connect with your audience.

1. Understanding the Value of Newsletters

Why do newsletters matter? First off, it’s about ownership. On social media, the algorithms control what followers see, but your newsletter lands straight in their inbox. No middleman, just you and your audience.

A well-designed newsletter using tools like ConvertKit is a fantastic way to build trust and loyalty. ConvertKit launched in 2013, and now has over 631,000 creators relying on it for their projects — with an average delivery rate of 99.8%, ConvertKit is a growth powerhouse. With ConvertKit, you can build and plan emails, trigger newsletter sequences, and organize your subscribers, all without needing to code. It’s the perfect way to craft your ideal newsletter, regardless of what stage you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey. 

When people give you their email, they’re not just casually scrolling. They’re signaling that they are interested in what you have to say. My Founder OS newsletter is one of my favorite ways to connect with my audience. It goes out every Saturday, and I use it to share personal advice and insights based on my experience as an entrepreneur. 

Give your audience valuable content, industry insights, or even a sneak peek behind the scenes of your business. That’s how you strengthen that relationship.

The stats don’t lie — newsletters are still going strong. More than 90% of Americans subscribe to at least one email newsletter. Plus, a newsletter can be a revenue stream in itself, with options for paid subscriptions, sponsorships, and smart product promotions.

2. Defining Your Newsletter’s Purpose and Audience

Before you start crafting subject lines, you need a game plan. What’s the point of your newsletter? Are you trying to educate, sell, or keep customers updated? Maybe it’s a mix of all three.

Having a clear purpose focuses your content and delivers real value to your readers. Blasting out random info is no match for sending targeted content. The latter is what your audience actually cares about. 

Then there’s the big question: who are you writing for? Understanding your target audience is key. Think about their interests, needs, and online hangouts. This isn’t about blasting out a generic message. You want to speak directly to the people who will genuinely resonate with what you’re offering.

Need a little help visualizing this? Maybe you’re a fitness company. Is your ideal reader a workout newbie needing basic guides? Or are they an experienced athlete looking for advanced training tips? These are two very different audiences. Your newsletter content will need to reflect that.

Getting crystal clear on your purpose and audience might seem tedious, but trust me, it’ll save you loads of headaches down the line. Best of all, a well-defined newsletter gets much better results.

3. Deciding on Types of Content for Your Newsletter

Choosing the type of content for your newsletter is one of the most important aspects — what will you actually put in your emails? There are many options to choose from, and the best types depend on your goals and audience. 

Let’s look at a few favorites:

  • Company News: Keep your readers in the loop. Share updates, launches, events — anything exciting that’s going on. This builds hype and makes your audience feel like insiders.
  • Educational Content: Got knowledge to share? Give your readers actionable tips, tutorials, or insights related to your industry. This is how you establish yourself as a trusted expert.
  • Product Promotions: Of course, you want to showcase your awesome products or services. Make sure to do it in a way that adds value so that you aren’t just pressuring them to buy something. Exclusive deals or highlighting how your product solves a specific problem are great ways to do this.
  • Industry-Related Tips: Show that you’re plugged into your field. Share news roundups, interesting trends, or even your take on hot topics. This positions you as a thought leader.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Stories: Want to make a deeper connection? Share glimpses of your team, company culture, or the process of making your products. It humanizes your brand and makes people feel invested.

The key here is providing real value. Sending a customer a newsletter that’s just one giant ad can lead to an instant unsubscribe. You want yours to be something your audience actually looks forward to receiving. Variety is also your friend — a combination of content types keeps things fresh and exciting.

4. Selecting and Customizing Your Newsletter Design

Looks matter — even in the inbox. Your newsletter design needs to be both eye-catching and easy to navigate. Think of it as the first impression of your brand. A sloppy, cluttered design will send readers running, while a clean, professional one sets the right tone.

The good news is, you don’t need to be a graphic designer to pull this off. Most newsletter platforms offer pre-designed templates to get you started. Pick one that aligns with your brand’s style and then customize it. Play with colors, add your logo, and tweak the layout to make it your own.

Remember, people skim. Make your email scannable with clear headers, short paragraphs, and even some visuals like images or GIFs (but don’t go overboard). Test how it looks on mobile devices — most people read their emails on the go.

5. Writing Compelling Headlines and Copy

Your headline is everything. It’s your one shot to make people want to open your email. A killer headline is short, snappy, and hints at the value inside. Questions, numbers, and a little bit of mystery can do wonders to pique curiosity.

As for the actual copy, think of yourself as having a conversation with a friend. Write naturally, avoid jargon, and focus on what’s in it for the reader. People have short attention spans, so get to the point right away. Use strong verbs and vivid language. Be sure to break up text blocks to keep things engaging.

Don’t forget a clear call to action, too. Tell people exactly what you want them to do. Whether it’s reading a blog, visiting your website, or taking advantage of a special offer.

6. Guidelines for Integrating Personalization and Visual Elements

Little touches of personalization can make a huge difference. Using your reader’s name in the subject line or greeting is a simple but effective start, but you can go deeper. If you know their interests, try tailoring your content recommendations. This shows you’re paying attention and makes the newsletter feel less generic.

Visuals are your secret weapon. A well-placed image, infographic, or even a short video can break up text and illustrate complex ideas. In doing so, it will spice up the overall look of your newsletter. Just be smart in how you use them — too many visuals can be distracting, so make sure they’re relevant and high quality.

7. Building and Managing Your Email List

Your email list is your newsletter’s lifeline. So, how do you get people to sign up? 

First, make sure you have easy-to-find signup forms on your website, blog, and social media pages. However, having a form isn’t enough. You need to give people a reason to subscribe.

This is where lead magnets come in. Offer a valuable piece of content like a free ebook, checklist, or discount code in exchange for their email address. Not only will this grow your list, but you’ll attract subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer.

When it comes to managing your list, remember that trust is key. Be clear and explain how you’ll use their information, and always respect their privacy. 

As for segmentation, it’s a powerful tool. Consider dividing your list into groups based on interests or behavior. This lets you send more targeted content, which translates to better open rates and more conversions.

8. Choosing Your Newsletter Schedule

Finding that perfect send frequency is a balancing act. Send newsletters too often, and you risk annoying your subscribers — but if you don’t send newsletters often enough, people might forget about you.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but starting with a weekly or bi-weekly schedule is usually a safe bet. The key is consistency. If you say you’ll send weekly, stick to it. People appreciate knowing when to expect your newsletters.

As for the best days and times? Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are generally considered top performers. Sending in the morning (around 10 a.m.) tends to work well, too. Just remember, it’s all about testing what works best for your specific audience.

9. Utilizing an Email Service Provider (ESP)

Trying to send mass newsletters from your regular email account is a recipe for a headache (or even a blacklist). That’s where email service providers (ESPs) come in. These platforms are designed to manage email lists and send newsletters.

ESPs give you plenty of handy features like easy signup forms, beautiful templates, analytics to track your results, and ways to automate certain tasks. 

Some of the most popular options include:

  • Mailchimp: Great for beginners with its friendly interface and generous free plan.
  • Sendinblue: Sendinblue has powerful automation and text message marketing features.
  • GetResponse: Offers a range of tools for businesses looking to scale, like landing pages and webinar functionality.

These are only some of the options available. Choosing the right ESP depends on your specific needs and budget. Most offer free trials, so shop around and try them out before committing.

10. Ensuring Compliance With Email Laws

There are laws out there that regulate how you can send commercial emails. The most well-known is the CAN-SPAM Act in the US. Depending on where your audience is, you might also need to think about GPDR in Europe — but there are other similar regulations elsewhere in the world, too.

These laws aren’t meant to cramp your efforts. They exist to protect people from spammy, deceptive emails. Honestly, following ethical practices builds more trust with your audience anyway. 

Here are some of the basics:

  • Get Consent: Be crystal clear about what people are signing up for, and get their express permission to send them your newsletter.
  • Make It Easy to Unsubscribe: Include a prominent unsubscribe link in every email with no tricks or hoops to jump through. Respect a customer’s choice to opt out. Making it a pain to unsub will almost certainly ensure they never do business with you again.
  • Be Honest About Who You Are: Include accurate contact information, and don’t use misleading subject lines or sender addresses.

Most reputable ESPs have features to help you stay compliant. But at the end of the day, it’s your responsibility to understand the rules. Don’t worry; it’s not rocket science. And the payoff in terms of reputation and trust is well worth it.

11. Measuring Success and Optimizing Your Newsletter

Sending your newsletter is exciting, but the real work starts afterward. Keeping track of key metrics is how you know what’s working (and what’s not). 

Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • Open Rate: This tells you the percentage of people who opened your email. It’s your first signal of whether your subject line and sender name are hitting the mark.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures how many people actually clicked on the links in your email. A strong CTR shows your content is resonating and people are interested enough to take action.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: A few unsubscribes per email are normal, but a sudden spike could mean something’s off with your content or frequency. Keep a close eye on this one.
  • Conversion Rate: In the end, did the newsletter achieve its goals? Track how many people completed your desired action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a trial, or reading an article.

Don’t get overwhelmed by data. I understand that it can be easy to do, but it’s important that you don’t. You only need to start by tracking a couple of key metrics and build from there. The nice thing about newsletters is that you can always experiment and improve.

This is where A/B testing comes in. Try sending two versions of your newsletter with a single change (like the subject line). Then, see which gets better results. From there, continue testing and tweaking. Gradual adjustments help you zero in on what works best for your audience.


By now, I hope you see that a newsletter isn’t another task on your to-do list. When done right, it’s a powerful tool that can supercharge your business. A well-crafted newsletter does many things. It keeps you in your audience’s mind, builds loyalty, and shows off your expertise. But ultimately, it drives more conversions. With tools like ConvertKit, you can build out, plan, and execute an email newsletter that will engage your audience and keep them coming back.

Are you excited to get started? Use this guide as your blueprint and craft your very own newsletter. Remember, consistency is key. Be patient and keep optimizing. Soon, you’ll be reaping the rewards of this wonderful marketing channel.

If you need a little more guidance getting started, Founder OS can help. We love helping businesses build thriving newsletters that actually get results. Plus, my own Founder OS newsletter is packed with practical tips and insights to help you as a founder.

Apply to our Founder OS program and learn how to build a business that gives you freedom and flexibility. That’s how you make the impact you’ve been dreaming of. 

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

Sahil Bloom

Investor | Entrepreneur | Creator

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


Founder, Zarta

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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

Brett Adcock

Founder, Figure, Archer, Vettery