October 14, 2023
5 min read
Matt Gray

My system for beating burnout

Dodge burnout while continuing to grow your business month over month [Soul Trip System]

Last Wednesday, I packed some bags, hopped in my Range Rover, and drove 5 hours from LA for a much-needed escape.

No phone.

No computer.

Nothing but me and my girlfriend immersed in the breathtaking wonder of Yosemite.

We took in incredible views of waterfalls and valleys as we hiked the awe-inspiring Taft Point and Glacier Point trails.

We even drove to the neighboring Sequoia National Park to take in the massive ancient sequoia trees.

It was the recharge I desperately needed, both personally and professionally.

And it’s something I’ve relied on for years to help me dodge burnout and grow my businesses with sustained clarity.

After all, entrepreneurship is a soulful journey, not one of endless hustle.

However, for many founders, these rejuvenating trips occur far too infrequently.

And it’s exactly this lack of introspective break time that causes so many to lose precious momentum and burn out.

That’s why Soul Trips are my most important weapon for battling founder burnout and ensuring I stay on track.

In today's newsletter, I want to share my Soul Trip System with you so you can implement it in your own life.

I’ve also created a template you can use to start designing your ideal Soul Trip right away.

And I'm confident if you take action on what I'm sharing with you today, your vision and clarity will be reignited like never before.

New workshop:

How To Craft A 7-Figure Offer People HAVE To Have

One of the main reasons that many founders don't achieve the success they deserve?

They don't have a compelling, "I-have-to-have-this" offer.

That's why I've decided to share my own proven method of building a "must-have" offer in a brand-new workshop.

On our call I'll be sharing with you the EXACT steps I've used to craft offers worth millions of dollars... and grow a following of raving fans who will buy my offer.

Here's a bit of what I'll be covering:

  • The CRUCIAL difference between your offer and “offering”
  • How you can build a persuasive offer stack that can make you $100k/month
  • 2 often-overlooked components that KEEP founders from making money online
  • Battle-tested strategies that will help you instantly stand out amongst all the “noise”
  • My proven, copy-and-paste method for building massive audiences and getting 10,000+ new followers every single month
  • Plus much more...

If you're serious about accomplishing big things with your personal brand in the months to come - I hope you'll reserve your spot now.

(Spots are limited.)

Click here to register

1 - Choose a remote, nature-immersed destination

We spend too much of our lives surrounded by stimuli. And it’s estimated the average person makes as many as 35,000 decisions per day.

For your Soul Trip, we want to get away from the busyness and distractions.

Select a location that allows you to be fully surrounded by the wonder of nature, such as a national park, a cabin in the woods, a campsite by a lake, or even an international retreat.

Full immersion in nature is key.

Nature is our greatest mentor.

Being fully surrounded by it not only offers unparalleled clarity but also teaches us lessons we won’t find anywhere else.

Places where you can hike, stargaze, and observe wildlife work best.

2 - Completely unplug for 4+ days

Commit to truly disconnecting for the duration of your Soul Trip. Leave behind as many distractions as possible.

This means no cell phones (or airplane mode at least), laptops, or anything that can interrupt your presence.

Eliminate outside stimuli to calm your mind and heighten awareness. This trip is a chance to break from routine and dopamine detox.

But make sure you take a pen and notebook along…you might be shocked at how many ideas and solutions to problems will appear once you step away.

3 - Foster meaningful connections and experiences

Soul Trips are more than simply taking a break and getting away…

They are about forging deeper human bonds and collecting priceless stories.

I recommend you have one or two people close to you join you for your Soul Trip.

While you're away, have intimate discussions about life's deepest topics -

Dreams, regrets, goals, and relationships.

And you don’t have to spend the entire trip together either...

But your time with those close to you will be encouraging and could bring a fresh perspective you hadn’t considered before.

Plus the memories you create together are precious gifts that can stick with you forever.

4 - Practice "forest bathing”

The Japanese actually prescribe ‘forest bathing’ for mental, physical, and spiritual benefits.

The goal?

Slow down and become immersed in the natural environment.

Consciously choose to take in your surroundings through all five senses.

Breathe deeply among the trees, listen to the sounds of the wilderness, feel the earth, eat fresh fruit, get lost on a hike, gaze at the night sky.

This will connect you deeply with nature.

And it’ll force you to confront your cosmic insignificance — the liberating realization that your worries are nothing on the grand scale of the universe.

Tune in to the smells, textures, tastes, and sights around you, and let nature rejuvenate you.

5 - Create An Epic Playlist

Music is an emotional hack - if you use it right.

Prepare an epic playlist to soundtrack your Soul Trip.

Select songs that:

  • Inspire awe and excitement
  • Evoke wonder and curiosity
  • Bring out emotions you want to feel

Curate a playlist as rich and immersive as the trip itself.

Let the songs enhance your desired emotional experience. The right tunes will help you fully surrender to the journey and the present moment.

6 - Apply the Regret Minimization Framework

When choosing activities and experiences, apply this framework:

Will I regret not doing this when I'm 80?

Pick things that excite you and promise bold memories, such as:

  • Cliff jumping into a breathtaking waterfall
  • Hiking a mountain peak to see the sunrise
  • Stargazing in complete darkness away from light pollution
  • Taking mushrooms on a camping trip deep in the wilderness

Don't play small out of fear.

Live courageously and engage in activities that make you feel alive.

The goal is to create memories you'll cherish forever.

7 - Integrate your insights

You’ll come back from your Soul Trip with strengthened connections, a refreshed mindset, and new perspectives.

But all of this means nothing unless you carry the lessons with you back into the “real world.”

Use the following reflection exercise to integrate your insights:

  1. Review your journal entries and reflect on key themes or revelations
  2. Make a list of new values, interests, or activities you want to incorporate into your life
  3. Write about your ideal future life incorporating your refreshed sense of purpose
  4. Create an action plan to align your life with your renewed clarity and vision
  5. Identify any relationships or deeper values that may have been neglected
  6. Schedule time to meditate on your trip insights and vision

Reflecting on your Soul Trip allows you to crystallize the lessons learned and anchor your newfound clarity into your daily life.

Funnel your inspiration into positive change and momentum.

There you have it, an in-depth look at my Soul Trip System for entrepreneurial rejuvenation.

To make planning your Soul Trip as seamless as possible, I’ve created this plug-and-play template to help you design the ultimate Soul Trip.

Click here to access the Soul Trip System Template

Use it to start planning your own Soul Trip this coming week.

And once you do, make sure to share what you’ve come up with and tag me on Twitter so I can check out what you have planned.

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: Ready to grow your personal brand to $5 million or more? Let's chat. >>> Click here to apply for your Founder Clarity Call with my team

#2: Have you seen my YouTube Channel? I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe.

#3: Promote your brand to over 65,000 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (booking into January 2024).

#4: Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building systems.

Gem of the Week

11 Millionaire Skills I Wish I Knew At 21

I’ve put together the most important skills I’ve developed over 14 years of building businesses.

And while I can’t go back in time and take advantage of them…

You can leverage these hard-earned skills to accelerate your own growth and build the life of your dreams.

Check them out here👇

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

Join 60,000+ founders and marketers getting actionable growth insights every week.

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5 star

The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

Sahil Bloom

Investor | Entrepreneur | Creator

5 star

Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


Founder, Zarta

5 star

Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

Brett Adcock

Founder, Figure, Archer, Vettery