5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Start a Lead Generation Business - Uncover Successful Strategies Today

Finding potential customers — those are called leads. And finding them can be one of the hardest things about running a business. Many companies just don’t have the time or the right tools to find the perfect leads for their business.

But leads are super important. They are the lifeblood of any growing business. Without a steady stream of leads, finding new customers, making sales, and making money is hard.

Fortunately, there’s a solution. If you have the skills and the drive to succeed, you can start your own lead-generation business. You get to help other business owners thrive by finding those perfect leads for them. It’s a win-win.

How To Start Your Lead Generation Business

Starting any business can be a bit overwhelming. But if you break it down step-by-step, it becomes much easier. Let’s dive into the key things you’ll want to do to get your lead generation company going.

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

Think of your niche as your specialty area. It’s who you’ll be helping and what kinds of leads you’ll be finding. 

Choosing the right niche is key. If you go too broad, you’ll be competing with tons of other companies. Instead, you want to find a sweet spot — a niche where there’s a real need for your services.

Here are the big things to think about when choosing your niche:

  • Competition: How many other lead generation businesses are targeting this niche? Aim for a niche where demand is strong, but not oversaturated.
  • LTV (Loan-To-Value): Certain industries have higher potential earnings per lead. Do some research to find out which niches can make you the most money.
  • Your Interests: Honestly, it’s way more fun to work in an area you’re passionate about. It shows in your work, and clients will be excited about your enthusiasm.

Now, let’s look at some examples of niches in lead generation:

  • Social Media Leads for Local Businesses: Help restaurants, shops, or salons reach new people in their area.
  • SEO Leads for Real Estate Agents: Specialize in boosting real estate websites so they appear higher on search engines.
  • B2B Lead Generation for Software Companies: Focus on finding qualified leads for tech companies.

That’s just a tiny sampling of what’s possible for you and your sales team. The more specific you can get with your niche, the better.

Step 2: Determine Pricing Structure

Figuring out what to charge for your lead generation services is one of the trickiest parts of starting a business. Here’s the good news — there are a few different ways to do it. 

Let’s look at the most common options:

  • Front-End Model: Clients pay a set fee upfront for a specific number of leads. This is simple, but it can be risky for your business if finding those leads is harder (or more expensive) than you planned.
  • Back-End Model: You only get paid when you get results. So, if a lead becomes a paying customer for your client, you get a percentage of the sale. This makes it less risky for you, but you might have to wait a while to see the money.
  • Hybrid Model: This is a mix of the two. Clients pay a smaller upfront fee to cover your basic costs like advertising. Then, you also get paid for every lead delivered. A percentage of any sales your clients make from those leads.

Let’s focus on the hybrid model, as it’s a great option for a new lead generation business. Here’s how it works in more detail:

  • Track Your Costs: Figure out how much, on average, it costs you to find one lead, including things like ads, software, and your time.
  • Set Your Base Fee: This is what the client pays upfront. You want it to at least cover those costs you figured out in step one.
  • Per-Lead Fee: On top of the base, charge a set price for each lead you generate for the client.
  • Success Fee (Optional): Boost your income with a percentage of any sales that result from your leads.

Always, always make sure there’s enough profit built into your pricing. Otherwise, your lead generation business won’t last long.

Step 3: Find Your Ideal Clients

Not all leads are created equal. And the best clients will be the ones who truly need you. To find them, start by creating an ideal customer profile (ICP). Your ICP is like a sketch of your perfect target audience. 

Here’s how you build one:

  • Basics: What kind of business are they? How big is their company? Where are they located?
  • Pain Points: What are they struggling with? Maybe they can’t find enough high-quality leads, or their website isn’t bringing in enough traffic.
  • Goals: What are they hoping to achieve? Increased sales, a bigger online presence, or better customer relationships?

Moreover, knowing your ICP inside and out helps in two ways. 

For one, you’ll know exactly who to target with your lead generation strategies and even your marketing messages.

And two, you can offer solutions that directly address your clients’ pain points. That makes for happy clients who keep coming back for more leads.

Step 4: Scrape LinkedIn for Leads

Finding leads is the heart of your new business. And get this — there isn’t one single “best” way to do it. Great lead-generation businesses use a mix of methods to get results.

LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding potential clients, especially if you’re targeting businesses (that’s called B2B lead generation). But sorting through all those profiles can take forever. That’s why specialized software tools are a game-changer for lead-generation campaigns.

These tools make it easy to find leads and reach out to them quickly. Here’s how to scrape LinkedIn posts for leads:

  • Find a Relevant Post: Start by searching for posts in your niche on LinkedIn. Someone who has shared or commented on the post is likely interested in that topic — making them a potential lead.
  • Use a LinkedIn Automation Tool: These powerful tools do the hard work for you.
  • Start a Search: Create a new search and choose “post engagement.”
  • Add Post URL: Paste the link to the LinkedIn post into your automation tool.
  • Hit Search: The tool will find everyone who’s liked, commented, or shared that post.

Now, you’ve got a list of potential leads. Automation tools often let you automatically send personalized connection requests and messages. This saves you tons of time compared to doing it all manually on LinkedIn.

Step 5: Utilize Effective Outreach Methods

It’s not just about the tools — how you reach out to leads matters a lot. Remember, lead generation is about building relationships with potential clients. 

Here are a few proven outreach methods:

  • Cold Calling: This method is still a classic for a reason. While some people shy away from cold calls, they are a great way to connect directly with a potential client.
  • Face-to-Face: If you’re targeting local businesses, sometimes going old-school is best. Stop by and introduce yourself.
  • Cold Email: Send personalized emails introducing your services, but make them useful — don’t just spam. Focus on how you can solve the lead’s pain points.
  • LinkedIn Connection Requests: Send targeted requests and include a short personalized message explaining why you want to connect.

Step 6: Optimize With SEO and Marketing

It’s important to have a mix of outbound (actively reaching out) and inbound (leads coming to you) marketing strategies. 

Here’s where those marketing skills come in:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Use keywords throughout your website and content so people in your niche can find you easily on search engines like Google.
  • Landing Pages: These are special pages that focus on getting leads to sign up for something, like a demo or consultation.
  • Website: Make sure your website is professional and easy to navigate. Clearly explain your services and how they help businesses.
  • Social Media: Don’t just use LinkedIn. Other social media platforms can attract leads, depending on your niche.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): As your lead generation business grows, a CRM helps you keep track of leads, contact information, and conversations.

These are just a few of the powerful strategies you can use to fill your lead generation business with exciting possibilities. A mix of smart outreach, targeted marketing, and the right lead generation tool will set you on the path to attracting tons of perfect-fit clients for your business.

Step 7: Analyze, Track, and Improve

Running a small business is much more than finding leads. You need to make sure all your hard work is paying off. That’s where tracking your results becomes super important.

Most successful lead-generation businesses aren’t lucky. They carefully watch specific numbers called metrics to ensure everything works as it should. 

Some of the most important things to track are:

  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): These are the big-picture numbers that show if you’re reaching your goals. Examples include how many leads you’re generating, how much each lead costs, and your overall revenue.
  • ROI (Return on Investment): Are you making more money than you’re spending on your lead generation efforts? ROI tells you if your business is profitable.
  • Conversion Rates: Let’s say you send out 100 cold emails to potential leads. If five people respond, your conversion rate is 5%. Tracking this helps figure out what messages and outreach tactics work best.

Think of it like this: metrics are like a report card for your lead gen business. They show you what you’re doing well and where you might need to change things up. 

Here are a couple of other key metrics to pay attention to:

  • Website Traffic: Are people even finding your website? Traffic numbers help you improve your SEO and marketing efforts.
  • Lead Source: Where are your leads coming from? Is it your LinkedIn outreach, email campaigns, or maybe from referrals? Knowing this shows you what to focus more on.

All this data might seem a bit overwhelming at first. But here’s the good news: understanding your metrics helps you make smarter decisions. 

For example, if website traffic is low, it’s time to double down on your SEO and content marketing. If cold calls have a high conversion rate, maybe focus on hiring more people to do the outreach.

Every improvement you make based on data should lead to finding better leads and more happy clients. In the end, this means more money for your business.

There are plenty of tools and software that help track all this stuff. But even a simple spreadsheet can work when you’re starting your business.

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Founder OS: Your Partner in Business Growth

Remember, building a successful business takes more than just lead generation (though it’s definitely important). That’s where Founder OS comes in. We’re a powerful resource for entrepreneurs, designed to help you succeed at every stage. 

Here’s what we offer:

  • The Founder OS Newsletter: Get tips, resources, and strategies delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now for insights you won’t find anywhere else.
  • The Founder OS Program: This is where things get really exciting. Our program offers in-depth training, mentorship, and a supportive community. Apply today and take your lead generation business to the next level.

Starting your own lead generation business is an incredible journey. Founder OS is here to support you every step of the way. Take action today and see the difference it makes.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

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