5 min read
Matt Gray

Best YouTube Tips: How To Make YouTube Shorts

Mastering YouTube Shorts can skyrocket your channel’s visibility.

In this guide, we'll walk you through how to make engaging YouTube Shorts from scratch. Learn to create, edit, and share these short, fun videos to captivate a new audience. 

We'll cover everything from setting up your channel to optimizing your videos for the best reach. Let's get started with the essentials of YouTube Shorts.

What Are YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts are brief videos that last up to 60 seconds. They’re entertaining and easy to watch, and you can create them directly on your phone using the YouTube app. Similar to TikTok videos or Instagram Reels, Shorts can be found on YouTube.

With the app, you can record, edit, and upload your Short with ease. This makes it an excellent option for beginners who want to experiment with new ideas without committing to longer videos. You can add music, adjust the speed, and use timers to record hands-free.

YouTube Shorts can be seen on the platform's homepage and in the Shorts tab. They can help you increase your viewership and grow your channel quickly — if you want to get noticed on YouTube, Shorts are a great way to do so.

How To Make YouTube Shorts

Making YouTube Shorts is a fun and straightforward process. It can increase your online presence. Here’s how you can start creating your own engaging short videos step-by-step.

1. Create a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel is the first step to making YouTube Shorts. You need a place to share your videos; a YouTube channel is perfect. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Sign in to YouTube on your computer or through the mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top right of the screen.
  3. Choose “Your Channel” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Follow the prompts to create your channel. You’ll need to enter a channel name and confirm details.

Once your channel is set up, you can add content to reach new viewers and grow your audience.

2. Plan Your Content

Planning your content is crucial for making impactful YouTube Shorts. Start by deciding what your videos will be about, then choose topics that are interesting and helpful to your target audience. 

Look at what’s popular on YouTube and other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels to inspire your content. 

Finding out what your viewers like to watch is key — tailor your videos to their interests to keep them engaged. 

Make short outlines for each video to plan what you want to say or show. Having a clear plan helps create videos that are fun and engaging, and it makes the recording and editing process smoother and faster.

Aim to create a monthly calendar of the content topics you’ll share to keep yourself organized and on track with recording, editing, and posting your videos. This is referred to as a content calendar.

3. Record Your Video

Recording a video is an essential step in creating YouTube Shorts. To get started, find a well-lit area to capture your video — this will ensure that your video looks clear and attractive.

You can use either your smartphone or a camera to record your video, but many people prefer to use their phones because it's simple and fast. Don't forget to hold your phone at a good angle since Shorts are vertical videos.

If you have a tripod, it's best to use it to keep your phone steady. This will give your video a more professional look.

When you're ready, hit the record button and start recording your content. Keep your videos short and engaging, aiming for a duration of 15 to 60 seconds. This duration works best to maintain viewers' attention from beginning to end.

4. Edit Your Video

Editing your video is key to making your YouTube videos stand out. 

Use a video editor app on your phone or computer to trim the video and add cool effects. Editing helps you put the best parts of your video together — you can cut out mistakes or parts that are too slow, and add fast cuts and transitions to make your video fun and keep people watching.

You can also add text to your video to help explain your video to viewers. Use big, clear fonts so people can read on their phones. 

Music and sound effects can make your video more exciting, too. Many apps offer free sounds that you can use. Good video editing takes practice, but it’s worth it — it can take your video from good to great, making your content pop and helping you get more views.

5. Upload Your Video 

Uploading your video to YouTube Shorts is simple. 

Open the YouTube app on your phone or go to the website on your computer. Tap the plus icon on your phone and select “Create a Short.” On a computer, click the camera icon at the top right and choose “Upload video.”

Next, select the video you edited from your device. Add a catchy title with keywords like "YouTube Shorts" to help people find your video. 

Write a short description and add relevant hashtags like #Shorts. Choose a thumbnail that grabs attention. 

Finally, hit the upload button. Your video will be live on YouTube Shorts soon after you upload it.

6. Optimize for Visibility

As a content creator, to get more people to see your YouTube Shorts, you can do a few things:

  • Use Keywords: Put important words in your video title and description. If your video is about making slime, use "easy slime recipe" or "how to make slime."
  • Catchy Titles: Make your video titles short and exciting. They should tell viewers the video and make them want to watch it.
  • Write Good Descriptions: Your video description should tell what the video is about using keywords. List the main points and what people will learn.
  • Use Hashtags: Put hashtags like #Shorts, #FunDIY, #trends or #QuickRecipes in your description to help people find your video. Use trending hashtags. Use hashtags that relate to your niche. This ensures you are getting in front of the right eyes.
  • Pick Bright Thumbnails: Choose a thumbnail that stands out. Use bright colors or pictures that show what's happening in the video.
  • Talk to Your Viewers: Answer comments on your videos. This makes more people want to watch and comment, too.
  • Share Everywhere: Post your video on Facebook, Instagram, and other sites. Tell your friends to share it, too — usually, if your video resonates with others, they’ll be happy to share it with others. 
  • Collaborate With Others: Make videos with other YouTubers. They can share your video with their fans, introducing you to their audience and helping you grow your own.

These steps can help more people find and watch your YouTube Shorts.

7. Engage With Viewers

To grow your YouTube Channel, engaging with viewers is key. Here's how to do it well:

  • Start by replying to comments on your videos. This shows you care about your viewers' thoughts. You can also ask questions in your videos or comments to start more conversations.
  • Use YouTube's tools like polls and cards during your videos. These help keep viewers involved by letting them share their opinions.
  • Try hosting livestreams. This lets you talk to your viewers in real time, answer their questions, and chat.
  • Give shoutouts to viewers who often comment and interact. This makes them feel special and encourages others to join in.
  • If you can, use the Community tab. Post updates, share extra content, or talk to your followers.

When you interact with your audience, you build a supportive community. This helps make your videos more popular and keeps viewers coming back.

How To Monetize Your YouTube Channel

Monetizing your YouTube channel can turn your creative work into cash. If you want to start earning money from your content, there are a few key ways you can do it:

  • Join the YouTube Partner Program — just note that you need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours to apply. This program lets you earn money through ads, channel memberships, and super chats in live streams.
  • Add ads to your videos. Once you're a partner, you can place ads before or during your existing videos. You earn money every time someone views or clicks on these ads.
  • Consider channel memberships. Fans pay a monthly fee for special perks like exclusive videos or emojis. This builds a closer community and gives you a steady income.
  • Don’t forget about merchandise. Sell T-shirts, hats, or bags related to your channel. YouTube even has features to help showcase your products right below your videos.

Monetizing rewards your hard work — the more content you make, the more chances to earn.

The Bottom Line

YouTube Shorts can help you grow your audience on socials, and it’s a great way to share short-form content that’s attention-grabbing and unique. Plus, it opens the door for you to be able to monetize your content for an additional stream of income.

For more information and assistance on leveling up your online business, check out Founder OS, and subscribe to the Founder OS newsletter for weekly tips and insights every Saturday. 

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

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