March 13, 2024
5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Make Money On Twitter: 6 Strategies

Social media has completely changed the way we connect and interact — and smart users are finding new ways to turn their time online into real money. Twitter is becoming one of the biggest players in the world of online monetization.

Yes, it’s technically X now. But since most people still refer to it as Twitter, I’ll do the same for the sake of avoiding confusion. As you’re probably well aware, Twitter is a free platform with millions of users, all ready to engage. That’s the potential for massive earnings, and with the right strategies, you can make it happen.

Understanding Twitter and its Algorithm: The Basics

Twitter has rocketed to the forefront of social media. If you’ve never used the app, it’s a whirlwind of short, text-based posts — known as “tweets.” There’s room for images, videos, and links. Millions of users follow each other, sharing interests, commentary, and news.

But how can you take this fast-paced environment and turn it into a money-making machine? The key is understanding Twitter’s algorithm. 

It’s always changing, but there are a few key things that the algorithm loves:

  • Engagement: Likes, retweets, comments. The more people engage with your tweets, the wider the reach.
  • Relevancy: Is the content interesting and in line with current trends or hot topics?
  • Consistency: Posting often keeps you in the algorithm’s good graces.

If you nail these key points, you’ll start to make money on Twitter with any monetization method we’re about to discuss.

Overview of Monetizing Twitter

Simply put, monetizing twitter means turning your time and effort on the platform into real cash. You’re not scrolling and tweeting for fun anymore — now, every post has the potential to earn you money.

Why would anyone want to make money on Twitter? It can offer freedom, flexibility, and the chance to build something of your own.

Maybe you want to ditch the 9-to-5 and be your own boss. Maybe you want to supplement your income or finance a new hobby. Whatever the reason, Twitter can be your ticket to extra cash.

Now, don’t think that this is about those overnight success stories you might see online. While those exist, there are plenty of regular people making a steady, reliable income through Twitter.

They do this in three ways. They build engaged followers, create valuable content, and use the platform’s features. They’re authors selling eBooks, coaches booking calls, and entrepreneurs launching courses — and it’s all from their Twitter accounts.

Different Ways To Make Money on Twitter

Alright, let’s get into the good stuff. There are tons of different ways to make money on Twitter. Some are super simple to get started with, while others might take a bit of time and effort to build up. The key is finding the strategies that work best for you and your goals. Let’s dive into a few.

1. Sponsored Tweets

With sponsored tweets, companies pay you to tweet about their products or services to your followers. It’s a win-win: they get exposure, and you get paid.

Here’s how to make this work for you:

  • Build Your Audience: Companies like sponsoring accounts with a decent following and engagement. Focus on growing your Twitter presence with quality content and interaction.
  • Find Sponsors: Some online platforms connect influencers with brands seeking sponsored tweets. You can also reach out to companies that align with your audience.
  • Be Authentic: Never promote products or services you don’t believe in. Your followers trust you, and you don’t want to break that trust.

Sponsored tweets are a simple way to make a quick buck, but there’s even more potential out there.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to generate serious income on Twitter. Here’s the idea: you promote other people’s products or services. Every time someone clicks your unique affiliate link and buys, you earn a commission.

Start making money from affiliate marketing on Twitter with these steps:

  • Choose Your Niche: Find a subject area you’re passionate about that has products you can promote.
  • Find Affiliate Programs: Many companies have affiliate programs. Research ones that fit your niche and offer decent commissions.
  • Promote Products Strategically: Don’t spam your followers with links. Weave product recommendations into your content in a natural way.
  • Be Transparent: Let your followers know when you’re using affiliate links. It builds trust.

3. Promoting Products and Your Own Business

If you have a product to sell or a business to promote, Twitter is an absolute goldmine. Unlike some social media platforms, Twitter is built for conversation. Engage with potential customers, answer questions, and build genuine excitement around your brand. I frequently use my Twitter to call attention to Founder OS — and it works.

Here’s how to make it work for you:

  • Optimize Your Profile: Make sure it states what you offer and includes a link to your website or sales page.
  • Offer Value: Don’t push your products. Share helpful content, industry insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses to build trust and interest.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, conversate, and offer great customer service.
  • Use Visuals: Eye-catching images and videos get more attention.
  • Run Promotions: Contests, giveaways, discounts. They’re all great for generating buzz and attracting new leads.

Promoting your business on Twitter is an investment in your future. Provide value and build relationships. You’ll create a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more.

4. Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing lets you tap into a massive online think tank. Here, you ask your Twitter followers for ideas, contributions, or even financial support. It's all to help you achieve a goal. This might be getting feedback on a new product design or raising funds for a creative project.

Here’s how to crowdsource on Twitter:

  • Have a Clear Goal: What do you want to achieve with your crowdsourcing campaign?
  • Create a Compelling Pitch: Explain your project and why it needs support.
  • Offer Incentives: Reward people for their contributions, even if it’s a shout-out or exclusive content.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: This helps people interested in your niche discover your campaign.
  • Promote, Promote, Promote: Spread the word about your crowdsourcing project on Twitter and beyond.

Got a big goal but need a little boost? Crowdsourcing on Twitter could be the answer.

5. Creating and Selling Twitter-Based Products

If you’ve built a loyal Twitter following, chances are you have valuable knowledge to share. Why not turn that expertise into your own digital products? Ebooks, courses, and even branded merchandise can be great income streams — and Twitter is the perfect place to sell them.

How to turn your Twitter knowledge into cash:

  • Identify Your Niche: What are you an expert in? What problems does your audience have that you can solve?
  • Choose Your Product Format: Ebooks are easy to create, courses offer in-depth learning, and merch builds brand loyalty.
  • Create Killer Content: Make your product something people are excited to buy.
  • Set Up a Sales Platform: Platforms like Gumroad or Sellfy make it easy to sell digital products.
  • Promote to Your Twitter Following: Share sneak peeks, offer discounts, and showcase customer testimonials.

Packaging your Twitter expertise into a product can be a fantastic passive income stream. Once you create it, you can sell it over and over again, with minimal extra effort.

6. Providing Twitter Management Services

Busy businesses and entrepreneurs often don’t have the time or expertise to manage their own Twitter presence. That’s where you come in. Offering Twitter management services can be a lucrative way to make money, all while helping others grow their online presence.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Master Twitter: Learn the ins and outs of content creation, engagement strategies, and analytics.
  • Market Your Services: Reach out to potential clients on Twitter. Showcase your skills on your own profile.
  • Deliver Top-Notch Results: Track results for your clients and improve your services.

Companies are always looking for help with social media. By mastering Twitter, you’re offering a service that’s in high demand.

Tips for Success in Twitter Monetization

You’ve learned about a bunch of strategies for making money on Twitter. But to see success, you need to understand a few foundational principles. Let’s break them down:

Importance of Building a Large, Engaged Following

A big, engaged following is your golden ticket on Twitter. Each follower is a potential customer, affiliate partner, or someone who might amplify your content.

The more active and interested your followers are, the more you can monetize your account, and you can do so through almost any strategy we’ve talked about. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind when growing your following:

  • Consistency Is Key: Post often and show up on time.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Don’t tweet for the sake of it. Every post should offer value, entertainment, or spark conversation.
  • Engage and Interact: Reply to comments, participate in Twitter chats, and connect with others.

Value of Authenticity and Interaction

People can spot a fake from a mile away. To build real trust and loyalty (and maximize your earnings on Twitter), you have to be yourself. Let your personality shine through, and don’t be afraid to show some vulnerability.

Interaction is the heart and soul of Twitter. It’s not a one-way broadcast platform. Take the time to engage with your followers. Respond to questions and join relevant conversations. This builds strong relationships and makes your profile a place people want to revisit.

Networking with Other Twitter Users, Particularly Influencers

Twitter is a massive community. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other users, especially those who are bigger and more established in your niche. Collaborate on projects, participate in each other’s threads, and cross-promote when it makes sense.

Influencers can be a powerful asset. Build genuine relationships with them. You can get your name and content in front of a much wider audience. This can help you grow your following. You’ll reach new customers and unlock more earning potential.

Regular and Purposeful Posting Strategy

Random tweeting won’t cut it if you’re serious about making money on Twitter. Develop a posting strategy that aligns with your goals and audience:

  • When Do You Post? Analyze your audience’s activity patterns to find the best times to tweet.
  • What Do You Post? Mix up your content formats (text, images, videos, threads). This keeps things interesting.
  • Why Do You Post? Is every tweet meant to educate, entertain, promote, or something else? Having a clear intention makes for stronger content.

Monetizing Twitter takes time and consistent effort, but if you focus on building an engaged community, being authentic, and adding value, the sky’s the limit.


Twitter isn’t a place for mindless scrolling anymore. It’s a platform brimming with opportunities to earn serious income. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or are just starting out, there’s a monetization strategy that can work for you.

Remember, building a successful income stream on Twitter takes time and effort. Dedicate yourself to providing value and building genuine connections. Use the strategies we’ve covered, and you’ll transform your Twitter account into a powerful asset.

Ready to take your Twitter game to the next level? Founder OS is here to help you every step of the way. Anyone can turn their passion into profits, and Twitter is one piece of the puzzle.

Join the Founder OS newsletter to get exclusive tips, strategies, and insider insights every Saturday — delivered straight to your inbox. 

Don’t wait any longer to start earning money on Twitter. Head over to Founder OS and fill out the form to see if you qualify for our life-changing programs. When you become a Founder OS member, you unlock access to our proven programs. You’ll join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, and you’ll get expert coaching to help you build a thriving, sustainable business. That includes Twitter as a key part of your strategy.

The future of your business starts now.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

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