March 18, 2024
5 min read
Matt Gray

Game Of Follows: Building Your LinkedIn Kingdom

If you wish to grow your business, LinkedIn is king. It’s where you build your professional brand, connect with important people, and find new opportunities. 

The key to unlocking all those benefits? Followers.

Think of your LinkedIn followers as your own personal audience. They see your updates, share your ideas, and spread the word about what you do. The more followers you have, the further your reach goes.

Why Is Growing LinkedIn Followers Beneficial?

In the professional world, being seen and known is everything. LinkedIn gives you a stage, but you need an audience to hear your message. Your followers don’t boost your ego — they boost your career.

Think you can wait and grow your following over time? Think again. Every day you delay is a missed opportunity. Here’s why you should focus on follower growth right now:

Get Your Name Out There

Look at your LinkedIn profile as a giant digital billboard. The more followers you have, the more people drive past that billboard every day. They see your face, your headline, and the awesome content you share. This plants the seed — they now know you exist.

Build Your Reputation

On LinkedIn, your follower count is a stamp of approval. When a potential employer or client sees you have thousands of followers, it sends a signal. It tells them this person knows their stuff, and other people trust them. It’s social proof at its finest.

Unlock Amazing Opportunities

Think of your LinkedIn followers as a treasure map of potential. Among them could be your next dream job recruiter, a business partner with the perfect idea, or an investor who believes in your project. 

The bigger your network, the more “X” marks the spot opportunities you uncover.

There are some who think growing your LinkedIn following is a vanity thing. But it’s all about opening doors. Imagine what could happen with a few hundred more followers. Now multiply that by a thousand.

Now that you see the massive potential, let’s get started. Here are some proven ways to grow your LinkedIn kingdom.

Method 1: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional storefront. Before you can attract followers, you need to make sure your shop window looks its best. Potential followers will scan your profile before they hit that “Follow” button. 

So, how do you make sure yours looks irresistible?

The Perfect Profile Picture

Ditch the blurry selfies or vacation shots. Your profile photo should be a clear, professional headshot. Smile, look into the camera, and dress the way you’d dress for an important meeting.

A Compelling Headline

Your headline is like the billboard above your storefront. Don’t list your job title — think keywords and value. What problems do you solve for people? What makes you unique?

A Detailed “About” Section

This is your chance to tell your story. Show some personality. What drives you? What are your major achievements? Include keywords that will help people find you in searches.

Showcase Your Experience and Skills

Your profile is more than a resume, but don’t neglect the basics. List your experience, highlighting major wins. Use the “Skills” section to showcase your areas of expertise (people can even endorse you to boost credibility).

Think of it this way: Would you follow someone with a half-finished, sloppy profile? Probably not. 

Put in the extra effort, and watch the followers roll in. Need some inspiration? Check out the profiles of people you admire in your field and see how they present themselves.

Method 2: Share Valuable Content Regularly

While it’s important that you show up on LinkedIn, the real catch is to make sure you’re adding value. The more you post appealing, valuable content, the more likely you’re going to see more traffic.

Focus on building trust. When you write content that is helpful and interesting, people will trust you. They’ll come back to learn more from you. 

When it comes to what kind of content you should share, here are a few options:

  • Insights and Opinions: Share your unique take on industry trends and news. Don’t be afraid to spark a little debate.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give people a glimpse into your work and process. How do you approach problems? What are you learning?
  • Quick Tips and Tutorials: Solve people’s pain points with bite-sized, actionable advice. Repurpose a popular blog post into a few key takeaways.
  • Celebrate Wins: Share your own successes or highlight others in your network. Positivity is magnetic.

Knowing what to share is only half the battle. You also need to know how to share. Let’s look at some best practices to use as you strive to build more followers:

  • Consistency Is Key: Aim to post at least a few times per week. Use tools like Hootsuite to schedule so you don’t forget.
  • Mix Up Your Formats: Don’t post text alone. Use images, videos, and LinkedIn polls, and even repurpose your older content as carousels. For example, in this LinkedIn post, I called attention to a pre-existing post of mine on Twitter (X). This method of “recycling” and cross-sharing content can help you grow your audience across multiple social media platforms. 
  • Spark Conversation: Ask questions, respond to comments, and encourage people to share their thoughts.

Remember, the goal isn’t to go viral with every post. It’s about providing consistent value that makes people want to keep coming back to your profile for more. Let’s move on to method 3, where we’ll talk about strategic network engagement.

Method 3: Engage Actively With Your Network

LinkedIn isn’t a one-way street. To attract a dedicated following, you need to be a good neighbor. That means engaging with your existing network and reaching out to new connections. Think of it like tending a garden — the more you nurture those relationships, the more they’ll flourish.

Here’s how to engage in a meaningful way:

  • Don’t Just Like, Comment: Offer thoughtful insights, ask questions, or add a unique perspective to the conversation. Show that you’re actually paying attention.
  • Celebrate Others: Share the posts of people in your network, highlight their wins, and give shoutouts whenever possible. Generosity goes a long way.
  • Spark Debate (Respectfully): Don’t be afraid to disagree with someone or offer an alternative viewpoint. Healthy debate leads to great engagement and shows you’re not just blending in.
  • Be Consistent: Set aside a few minutes each day to scroll through your feed, leave comments, and share content you find valuable. It becomes second nature.

Focus your engagement on posts from people you want to connect with. This gets you on their radar and increases the chances they’ll check out your profile (and hopefully follow).

Authenticity is key. Don’t go through the motions. People can spot fake engagement a mile away. Share your genuine thoughts and enthusiasm, and watch your connections grow organically.

Method 4: Join and Participate in Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups work like “classrooms” on the internet. Each classroom is about a different job or topic people are interested in. With groups, you can make friends and connections, learn from experts, and show off your own skills. 

Why should you bother with Groups? There are a few reasons:

  • Targeted Audience: People in Groups are already interested in what you have to say. They’re looking for expertise and fresh perspectives (that’s where you come in).
  • Build Trust: Share valuable insights and be a helpful resource in Groups. By doing so, you establish yourself as a reliable authority in your field.
  • Grow Your Reach: Group members who see your contributions are more likely to check out your profile. From there, they can become followers.

You’re probably excited to learn how helpful Groups can be. If you’re ready to get the most out of it, I put together a few simple steps to get you started: 

  1. Do Your Research: Don’t join any group. Search for active groups with a large membership that aligns with your industry or niche.
  2. Introduce Yourself: Make a splash. Post a short introduction about who you are, what you do, and why you’re excited to be part of the community.
  3. Add Value: Share insights, answer questions, and jump into relevant discussions. Be a helpful resource, not a spammer.
  4. Be Consistent: Aim to be active and take part in your chosen groups a few times a week.

Remember: It’s not about the numbers. Quality engagement within the right groups will net you the best results, and you can build relationships that extend beyond the “Follow” button.

Method 5: Use Hashtags and Mention Others

Think of hashtags and mentions as the megaphones of LinkedIn. They help amplify your content, putting it in front of people who might not otherwise find you. Used strategically, they’re powerful tools for growing your follower base.


Hashtags (#) function like searchable keywords. When you add hashtags to your LinkedIn posts, they make your content discoverable by people who follow those hashtags or search for them.

  • Do Your Homework: Don’t try to wing it. Research popular and relevant hashtags in your niche. Use tools like LinkedIn’s search or dedicated hashtag websites.
  • Keep It Concise: Aim for three to five relevant hashtags per post. Too many will look spammy and turn people off.
  • Mix It Up: Use a blend of broad hashtags (like #marketing) and niche hashtags (like #emailmarketing) to reach a wider audience.

There’s definitely a balance to using hashtags. You might want to see what other prominent users are doing to get a gauge for what works. 


Tagging (@) other people in your posts is a great way to get their attention and tap into their network.

  • Don’t Overdo It: Only mention people when it’s relevant. Tag them in posts where you reference their work, quote them, or want their input.
  • Spread the Love: Tag clients, colleagues, or people you admire. They might reshare your content, exposing you to a whole new audience.
  • Start Conversations: Tag someone and ask their opinion on a topic. This encourages engagement and shows you’re open to dialogue.

Hashtags and mentions are meant to enhance your content, not replace it. Always focus on creating valuable posts first, then implement these techniques for extra reach.

Method 6: Leverage LinkedIn’s “Write an Article” Feature

LinkedIn’s built-in blogging feature is a hidden gem for growing your following. Writing articles allows you to dive deeper into topics. You can show your expertise and position yourself as a thought leader within your industry — but don’t neglect long-form articles. 

Here’s why:

  • Boost Your Visibility: Articles get preferential treatment in the LinkedIn feed. Plus, they have a longer lifespan than regular posts.
  • Establish Credibility: Writing thoughtful, well-researched articles establishes your credibility. This makes people much more likely to hit that “Follow” button.
  • Grow Your Network: People can follow you from your articles, even if they’re not already connected to you.

If you’d like some tips for writing LinkedIn articles that shine, I’ve got a few that are sure to amplify your efforts:

  • Strong Headlines Are Everything: Your headline needs to grab attention and make people want to click “Read More.”
  • Structure Is Your Friend: Break up your text with subheadings, bullet points, and images to make it easier to scan.
  • Tell a Story: Even business-related articles can be engaging. Weave in anecdotes, examples, and personal insights to keep readers hooked.
  • End With a Call to Action: Ask a question, encourage readers to share their thoughts, or direct them to a relevant resource.

Tailor your content for the LinkedIn audience, and leverage the platform’s unique features (like the ability to tag people and companies). With some practice, LinkedIn articles can become one of your most powerful tools for new followers.

Method 7: Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

Did you know your LinkedIn profile can show up in Google search results? By tweaking a few things, you can make sure people looking for someone with your skills and expertise will find you.

This translates into more profile views and, potentially, more followers. Here’s a quick how-to to get your profile SEO-friendly:

  • Keywords Are Key: Think of the words and phrases people might search for when looking for someone in your field. Weave these into your headline, “About” section, and experience descriptions.
  • Location Matters: Make sure your location is updated and accurate. This helps you show up in local searches.
  • Complete Your Profile: The more sections you fill out, the higher your chances of ranking in relevant searches. Consider doing skills, recommendations, and volunteer work.
  • Get Active: Google loves fresh content. Posting often and engaging with others signals to search engines that your profile is relevant and worth showing in results.

Don’t let your LinkedIn profile languish in the shadows. Take a few minutes today to implement these SEO tweaks. It’s a small investment that could lead to massive returns with more profile views and more followers.


Growing your LinkedIn following is a powerful way to unlock opportunities and speed up your career. Think of it as building your own professional kingdom, one brick at a time. Follow these proven methods to attract an engaged audience and establish yourself as an expert. You’ll open doors you never thought possible.

Are you ready to take your LinkedIn growth to the next level? FounderOS is here to help. Our programs give founders and professionals the tools, knowledge, and community needed to succeed.

  • Join the Founder OS Newsletter: Get bite-sized insights and actionable tips on business growth, all delivered straight to your inbox.
  • Level Up Your Skills: If you’re serious about growth, apply to one of our hands-on Founder OS programs. Our proven methodologies and expert guidance will help you scale your business and smash your goals. Fill out our form to get started.

Remember, consistency is key. The more you put these methods into practice, the bigger the returns. Start building your LinkedIn kingdom today, and watch the possibilities unfold.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

Sahil Bloom

Investor | Entrepreneur | Creator

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


Founder, Zarta

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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

Brett Adcock

Founder, Figure, Archer, Vettery