March 28, 2024
5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Find New Clients in 2024: 7 Foolproof Methods

In 2024, finding new clients has changed a lot. Business owners need to mix old tricks with new moves, and businesses have to be smart and flexible to stay ahead. You need to showcase what you sell and find the best ways to reach people who will actually buy it. 

This guide will show you seven ways to get clients for your business so you can attract more clients and keep your business strong. Let's dive in.

Why Is Client Acquisition Crucial?

When you bring in new clients, your business can make more money and grow. Each new client brings new chances to sell your products or services. Plus, having more clients means your business is reaching more people. This can help your business become more well-known and trusted.

Also, when you get new clients, you learn more about what people like and need. This can help you make better products or services in the future. 

Keeping your current clients is less expensive than finding new ones. It costs more money and takes more time to get someone new to buy from you — when you keep your current clients happy, they're more likely to buy from you again. If this is the case, you don’t have to spend extra money to convince them.

Understanding Your Target Client

Having a clear picture of your ideal client or target customer is key. If you don’t know who you want to reach, you won’t be able to reach them.

Understanding your target client makes your messages more powerful because they feel personal to those reading them. The more you know about your customer, the better the product will be. 

Your services or products will be what your target client needs in business, which means you're more likely to catch their attention and turn them into paying customers.

To build a solid persona for your target client, keep these details in mind:

  • Demographics and Interests: Start with the basics, like age, job, income, and hobbies. This helps you craft messages that resonate with your target audience.
  • Challenges and Needs: Identify the specific problems they face daily. Understanding their challenges will help you position your service or product. Your product becomes the solution they've been searching for.
  • Online Behavior: Pay attention to where your ideal clients hang out online. Are they active on LinkedIn, scrolling through Instagram, or searching Google for answers? Knowing this helps you place your content where they're most likely to see it.
  • Search Habits: Consider what your target customer might type into search engines. For example, what do they type into Google? This insight is gold for tailoring your SEO strategy to appear in their search results.

Creating these detailed personas ensures your marketing efforts are efficient. Knowing your buyer persona makes every message and content personalized. This approach is key to attracting the clients you're after.

1. Leveraging Social Media

Social media is where lots of potential clients hang out. Businesses can use social media marketing to show what they do, share tips, and answer questions. It also gives their followers a chance to share their products with others. This way, they reach more people and connect in a personal way. Reaching more potential clients on a global level grows your business.

Be active where your clients are. Not all social media is the same. If your clients love Instagram, be there. Share pictures and stories that show how great your business is. If they use Facebook, post there. You can post on various different platforms as well.

Talk and listen. Social media isn't for posting ads. It's for talking. Ask questions, like posts, reply to comments, and share what your followers say. Interaction builds trust.

Use ads to target the right people. Social media ads let you choose who sees your ads. You can pick the age, interests, and more. This makes sure your message gets to the right folks.

You can use social media to find and keep new clients by doing these things.

2. Networking

Networking is also known as meeting new people. Networking can encourage new people to become clients. It can also point you to potential clients. 

When you network, you are selling your service or product. Sometimes, it happens immediately, or you make connections that might help you later. You can network in many ways. This includes in-person like at events. It also includes online meetings and using professional sites like LinkedIn. 

Here are three ways to network well:

  1. Join groups and attend events: Look for groups or events related to your business. These can be local meetups or big conferences. It's a chance to meet others who do what you do or need what you offer. Online, you can join groups or forums where your clients hang out.
  2. Offer help: Networking works best when you offer help instead of asking for favors. Share your knowledge or help solve a problem. This way, people remember you in a good way.
  3. Follow-up: After meeting someone, send them a note or an email saying it was nice to meet them. If you talked about something specific, mention it. This keeps the connection going.

These strategies can build a network. It will bring in new clients and support your business.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a way to attract new clients by sharing useful information. It can be articles, videos, or posts that answer your potential clients' questions. This kind of marketing helps show you know a lot about your field. People who find your content helpful are more likely to remember your business. It’s a great way to find clients online, especially when they need services or products like yours.

Your content should solve problems. Consider your clients' questions, then create content that answers those questions. For example, if you sell plants, you could write about how to care for them.

Share your knowledge, and write about what you know. If you're good at something, share tips and tricks through blog posts, videos, or online guides.

Update your content often and keep adding new content. This keeps people coming back to your site. It also shows that you're active and up-to-date in your field.

Using content marketing, you can build trust with potential clients. They'll see you as an expert and be more likely to choose you when they need help.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for getting new clients. It allows you to stay in touch with people who show interest in what you’re offering. You can share news, tips, and special offers in emails, all of which helps keep your business in their minds. 

I use my Founder OS newsletter to share weekly tips for business growth with my audience, helping them on their entrepreneurial journeys while also keeping my own business top of mind. 

Here's how to use email marketing to find more clients:

  • Collect emails: Start by asking people to sign up on your website. You can offer something in return, like a free guide or discount code, to their email. Make sure they know they're signing up to hear from you.
  • Make interesting emails: Your emails should be something people want to read. Share stories about your business, give advice, or tell them about sales. The goal is to make emails so good that people look forward to getting them.
  • Use a friendly tone: Write your emails like you're talking to a friend. This makes your business feel more personal, and it can help build a stronger connection with potential clients.
  • Track what works: Track which emails get the most open or clicks. Use what you learn to make your emails better over time.

Email marketing is not only used for sending offers. It's a reliable way to build relationships. Following these tips, you can use email to bring in new clients and keep them returning.

5. Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships and collaborations can help you reach more people. When you team up with other businesses, you can share your products with their clients or client’s businesses. In turn, they can share theirs with yours, too.

Do this by looking for businesses that fit. Find other businesses that offer products or services that pair well with what you do. For example, if you sell healthy snacks, you might partner with a fitness center.

Reach out to businesses that interest you. Once you find a good match, get in touch. Share your ideas for how you can help each other out. It could be a special offer for each other's clients or a joint event.

Once you find a business you want to work with, plan together. Work with your new partner to plan to share each other's stuff. You'll both post on social media or offer a joint package.

Make sure to keep in touch. After your first project together, keep talking. Good partners can help each other grow for a long time.

Working with other businesses can help you reach clients you wouldn't meet otherwise. It's a smart way to grow your business and make new friends in your field.

6. SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, makes your website easy for search engines to find. When someone looks up something you offer, you want your website to be at the top. This can bring more people to your site who might become clients.

For SEO to work for you:

  • Use keywords: Consider what words someone would type into Google when looking for your product. Ensure those words are on your website, like in articles or product descriptions.
  • Keep your site smooth: Make sure your website is easy to use and fast. People (and search engines) won't like it if your site is slow or confusing.
  • Update your website often: Keep adding new content, like blog posts or news about your business. This tells search engines your site is active and relevant.

Effective SEO can help your business get noticed by more people. It's a great way to find new clients looking for your offer.

7. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is a way to show your business to new people. You can use different types. Some include online, social media, or traditional ads like billboards.

Here's how to use paid advertising:

  1. Choose the right place: Pick where your potential clients are. For online businesses, Facebook or Google ads work best. If you're local, a billboard or local paper ad is better.
  2. Set a clear goal: Know what you want from your ad. Do you want more website visitors, or are you trying to sell a specific product? Your goal changes how your ad looks and works.
  3. Track your efforts: Use tools to see how well your ad does. How many people see it? How many click or buy something? This helps you know if your ad works.

You need to pick the right places to advertise. Have a clear goal. And keeping track of results. With the right approach, paid advertising can bring in many new clients.


In 2024, finding new clients means being smart and using various techniques. We talked about seven proven methods, and each method has its own strengths.

Try these strategies to grow your business. Mix and match them to see what works best for you. Remember, finding new clients is about being where they are and talking to them in a way they understand. Use these methods to reach out, grab their attention, and keep them returning for more. 

If you need more help with client hunting, visit Founder OS today.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

Brett Adcock

Founder, Figure, Archer, Vettery