5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Create Vertical Videos for Your Business

Think about your day. Where’s your phone? It’s probably fair to assume that it’s within arm’s reach almost all the time. Smartphones are how we stay connected, find information, learn new things, and even run our businesses.

Because of our mobile devices, social media has become a must for businesses of all sizes. If you want people to know about your company, you need to be on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others.

And it’s not enough to just be there — those platforms are all about video. Scrolling through feeds, you see videos playing everywhere… but there is a secret: the most popular kinds of videos are vertical ones. 

Here’s why vertical videos could be the missing piece to your business strategy.

Why Do Vertical Videos Matter?

How do you hold your phone most of the time? Upright? Vertical videos make sense in 2024, and there are several reasons why. 

Vertical videos fit how we naturally use our phones, and that comfort is a big reason why they’re so popular.

However, it’s not solely a matter of comfort. Apps like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are built for vertical formats. They want you to watch them, but more importantly, they want you to create them. Making content is how those platforms keep people hooked.

So, why should businesses care? 

A vertical video gets more attention compared to a horizontal video. Because the former takes up the whole screen, they’re impossible to miss. This aspect ratio means more people see your message, and there’s a better chance of turning those viewers into customers.

How To Create Vertical Videos

Ready to start making awesome vertical videos but don’t know where to begin? Here are a few simple editing tips to take your online videos from boring to brilliant in no time.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Our attention gets pulled in a million directions throughout the day. That means most people won’t sit through a whole five-minute video on social media. For the best results, aim for under a minute. Or keep your video production even shorter if you can tell your story that quickly.

Start Strong and Hook Them Fast

Those first few seconds are your best shot at grabbing someone’s interest. Open with something that makes them want to see more. It could be a surprising question, a funny moment, or a beautiful image. The key is to offer something that stops them from scrolling past.

Keep Text Short and Simple

Adding text to your video can help, but keep it simple. 

A few words highlighting your main point? Great. 

Full-screen sentences cluttering up the view? Not so great. If you add text, make sure it’s big enough to read on a phone.

Embrace the “Live” Factor

Going live on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok adds a special element of excitement. Viewers feel like they’re part of what’s happening right now. That connection can make people more likely to keep watching and engaging with your business. Promote your live videos ahead of time to get the biggest audience.

Sound Matters (and So Do Captions)

There are no two ways about it — clear audio is a must. People get annoyed with muffled or scratchy sounds, but lots of people watch videos with the sound off, and that’s where captions come in. 

Many apps have easy-to-use tools for generating captions. Captions also make your videos accessible and understandable to more people, including those with hearing difficulties.

What Are Some Tools and Techniques for Creating Videos?

You don’t need a fancy camera or a ton of tech know-how to make fantastic vertical videos. Let’s take a look at some easy tools and techniques to get you started.

Shooting Basics

You might think you need a fancy camera with all sorts of expensive gear to shoot amazing vertical videos — but you don’t. 

The camera in your pocket is way more powerful than you think. Let’s cover a few basics to get you started filming videos that look good and help your business shine.

Keep It Steady

Ever try to watch a video where the person filming was shaking the camera all over the place? It’s not fun. 

For the clearest picture, try to keep your phone steady. A tripod is great for this, but if you don’t have one, no problem. Prop your phone up against something solid like a stack of books, or lean it against a wall.

Lighting Matters

Natural daylight makes everything look better, and that includes your videos. Try filming outdoors or near a window. One thing to watch out for is bright sunlight directly behind the person or thing you’re filming — that turns them into a dark shadow. If you’re inside, play around with lamps or move around to see what lighting setup looks most flattering.

Make Sure Your Lens Is Clean

It’s easy to forget this simple thing. A smudge or fingerprint on your camera lens can make your videos look blurry or fuzzy. Before you start filming, give the lens a quick wipe with a soft cloth. 

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Sound Matters, Too

If people can’t hear you clearly, they’re going to swipe right past your video. You don’t want that. So make an effort to film in a quiet place if possible. You might also invest in a little microphone that plugs into your phone.

They don’t cost much, and it makes a huge difference in sound quality. Remember, viewers often watch videos with the sound off, so consider adding captions for maximum impact.

Embrace the Background

Think about what’s behind you when you’re filming. A messy room or distracting movement can take away from your message and make your video look less polished. 

Simple backgrounds often work best, but you can also get creative. A related image or pattern in the background can add depth to your video.

Get Creative with Angles

When creating vertical videos, don’t be afraid to film from up high, down low, or even move your phone around your subject. It adds more visual interest to your videos and can help you tell different kinds of stories. Experiment with unusual angles to surprise your viewers and keep them engaged.

Short and Sweet Wins the Game

When it comes to video on social media, shorter video clips usually get more views than longer ones. Focus on delivering your message in a way that’s quick, punchy, and to the point. People have short attention spans, so make those first few seconds count.

Ready to get out there and start filming? The best way to improve is to practice and have fun with it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. It’s often then that you discover what works and what doesn’t.

Editing Apps

There are loads of mobile video editing apps out there. Here are a few popular ones, all with easy-to-learn features:

  • iOS: iMovie (often comes free on Apple devices), InShot, Splice.
  • Android: CapCut, Kinemaster, VN Video Editor.
  • Desktop: If you prefer working on a computer, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are powerful but can be pricey. DaVinci Resolve is a great free option with lots of features.

These should give you a pretty solid starting point. There are numerous other options out there, however. So be sure to try different apps to find the ones that best suit your needs.

Essential Edits

Start with the basics when editing your video:

  • Trim it down. Cut out any unnecessary bits at the beginning and end.
  • Smooth things out. Use transitions between clips to make the video flow better. Simple fades or slides work well.
  • Spice it up. Add text for those key points or fun stickers to make your video pop.

Going the Extra Mile

Once you have the basics down, here’s how to level up your videos:

  • Play with speed. Slowing down a part of your video can add some drama or speed it up to make a process more fun.
  • Music helps set the mood. Most apps have a built-in music library to choose from. Just make sure to use music you have permission to use.

These tips will give your videos a big boost. But there are even more tricks to make your content stand out on crowded feeds. Let’s dive into how to tailor your videos to each social media platform next.

What Are Some Tips for Vertical Video Engagement?

You’ve got the video skills down, but how do you actually get more eyes on your content? Let’s dive into the platform-specific tips and tricks that will boost engagement and reach.

Tailor to the Platform

TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are all about vertical video, but they have their own vibes. 

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • TikTok: This is the place for quick, creative, and often funny content. Think trends, catchy music, and snappy editing.
  • Instagram Reels: Reels can be a bit more polished than TikToks. Show off your products, give tutorials, or go behind the scenes of your business.
  • YouTube Shorts: While primarily entertainment-focused, Shorts are a good chance to repurpose clips from your longer YouTube videos or offer quick and engaging tips.

Be Consistent

Posting awesome vertical videos won’t make a difference if you only do it once a month. Try to post new social media content regularly. It doesn’t have to be every day, but a few times a week is ideal. Your followers will start expecting your videos, and that’s how you build a loyal online audience.

Analyze and Adapt

Most social media platforms have tools that show you how your videos are doing. Pay attention to these insights.

  • Which videos are getting the most views, likes, and comments?
  • Are people watching the full video all the way through, or do they drop off early?
  • This info tells you what’s working and what might not be. Don’t be afraid to try new things, see what your audience responds to, and change things up based on that feedback.

Building Your Niche

Focus is your friend when it comes to social media success. Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, hone in on what makes your business unique or the problems you solve. Become the go-to expert in your niche, and people will seek out your content consistently.

Level Up Your Video Game With Founder OS

Effective video content isn’t about making entertainment for its own sake. It’s about connecting with people in a way that grows your business and creates more freedom in your life.

Get found and remembered by your ideal customer. Customer trust leads to sales, and video content lets you showcase your expertise and personality.

Learn how to streamline your video creation for ultimate efficiency. We know you’re busy, and that’s why the Founder OS program is built for busy entrepreneurs.

The future of online business is video. Done right, vertical video is your ticket to success. Stop wasting time on content that doesn’t convert. Join the Founder OS community, subscribe to the Founder OS newsletter, and start making high-quality videos that turn viewers into loyal customers.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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