5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Instantly Blow Up on Instagram: 7 Proven Methods

Instagram is a big deal in the social media world. It's a place where pictures and videos can make you famous or help your business grow. If you use it correctly, you can reach many people and interest them in what you do or sell. 

This article will tell you some surefire ways to gain attention on Instagram. If you’re wondering how to boost your Instagram, this is for you.

How Does Instagram Work?

Instagram is a busy place where people share photos and videos of their favorite moments, ideas, tips, and things they love. Instagram lets you follow friends, celebrities, and businesses to see their latest posts. You can like, comment, and share these posts, reels, and stories, making it fun and easy to connect with others.

That said, Instagram is also a place where businesses can show what they're about and what they’re selling. They can use pictures and videos to tell their stories and sell products. It's a powerful tool if you know how to use it.

People on Instagram like posts that catch their eye. Beautiful pictures, attention-grabbing graphics, funny videos, and interesting stories do well. Users often check Instagram several times daily — this means there's always a chance to get someone's attention.

The Instagram algorithm is always changing. However, most of the time, if you engage with a specific type of product or post a lot, you will see more of it. It's the way Instagram works. And, if used very well, your content can go viral.

Users are always on the lookout for something different. So, to stand out, be creative and true to your style.

Why Does Instagram Impact Matter?

Today, having a strong presence on Instagram is important because it’s an effective way to help grow your brand. If you’re on your entrepreneurial journey, prioritizing your platform on Instagram can be a great way to reach new potential customers and engage them in what you have to say.

When you get it right, you can share your story with the world, make your brand shine, and even become famous. 

7 Ways To Blow Up on Instagram

Here are seven of the best steps you can take to blow up on Instagram quickly and effectively. 

1. Master the Instagram Algorithm

Instagram is a busy place. To stand out, you need to get along with its algorithm. The algorithm decides which posts people see first. 

Instagram’s algorithm likes posts that get plenty of likes, comments, and shares. Here's how to make it work for you:

  • Post when your followers are online. Check your Instagram Insights to see when most of your followers scroll through their feeds. Post during these times to draw more eyes to your content. It's a sure way to increase visibility.
  • Encourage interaction. Ask questions in your captions or create polls in your stories. The more people interact with your posts, the more the algorithm will like them.
  • Use the right hashtags: Hashtags can help people find your posts. Use popular hastags related to your photo or video, but don’t overdo it. A mix of broad and niche hashtags works best.
  • Keep people watching: For videos, the longer people watch, the better. Start with something catchy to keep viewers hooked.

Understanding the Instagram algorithm can improve your chances of getting noticed. It's all about making content that's engaging right from the start.

2. Create a Clean, Distinct Brand Aesthetic

Having a unique look on Instagram is key. It makes your posts easy to spot in a busy feed, and a consistent style helps people know it's you. 

Here's how to make your Instagram stand out:

  • Pick a theme: Decide on colors or a mood that fits your brand. Stick to it across all your posts.
  • Use similar filters: Choose one or two filters and use them all the time. This keeps your photos looking like they belong together.
  • Plan your feed: Use apps to see how your posts will look before you share them. Aim for a mix of photos, videos, and quotes that look good together.
  • Quality photos only: Share your best shots. Clear, bright photos grab attention.
  • Be consistent: Post often, but don't sacrifice quality for quantity.

A great Instagram aesthetic tells your story at a glance. It makes people want to see more. Stick to a style, and your feed will invite people in.

3. Use Engaging Captions

Captions are essential on Instagram. They make people stop and think. A good caption can turn a quick glance into a like or a follow. 

Here's how to write captions that catch the eye:

  • Keep it fun: Show your personality. Whether you're funny, thoughtful, or inspiring, let it shine.
  • Ask questions: This is a great way to get comments. Ask your followers something about the photo or their opinions.
  • Use hashtags: They help people find your posts. But don't overdo it. Pick a few that fit.
  • Call to action: Sometimes, asking people to click the link in your bio or tag a friend can work wonders.
  • Be brief: Long texts can overwhelm you. Keep it short when you can. Make sure the first line grabs attention if it's a longer story.

As an example, take my Instagram Reel above about finding your Ikigai. I captioned it as follows:

“Don’t waste time doing work you hate.

Find your calling and never work a day in your life.

Take 5 minutes and journal your Ikigai.

Ikigai = your reason for being

This simple exercise transformed my life.”

This caption is easy to read, engaging from the first sentence, and ends on a powerful note. I’m intriguing my audience, and encouraging them to take a certain step in order to improve their quality of life and quality of work. 

Your caption is your voice. It's how you talk to your followers. Make it count.

4. Vary Your Content

When you keep your content varied, you can maintain your audience’s attention. Too many similar posts in a row, and you risk your audience getting bored and going somewhere else for engaging content.

Keeping your content a bit varied (but still in your niche) is a great way to always bring something new and fresh to the table — it keeps your Instagram interesting, and your audience interested.

My content ranges from tips for business growth to more personal topics. My Instagram Reel about Ted Talks to change your life takes a broader approach by offering generally helpful information, while another reel about advice for your 20s hones in on mistakes I made in my 20s, and how you can learn from my mistakes in order to find success in life. 

Keeping my content varied and unique allows me to reel in a wider span of watchers — aka, potential customers. 

5. Follow a Regular Posting Schedule

Posting often on Instagram is key to blowing up. It keeps your followers engaged and helps you reach new people. 

Here's how to do it well:

  • Find your best time to post: As mentioned before, look at when your followers are online. Instagram Insights tells you this if you have a business account. Aim to post when most of your followers are scrolling, so they see your posts.
  • Make a schedule: Decide how often you'll post, like daily or a few times a week. Then, stick to what you choose. Consistency is more important than posting a ton.
  • Use tools to help: Some apps let you schedule posts ahead of time, which makes sticking to your plan easier.

Your followers know when to expect new content when you post on schedule. It can increase how often people interact with your posts. Posting when your followers are online helps more people see your content.

6. Leverage IG Stories and Reels

Instagram Stories and Reels get more interaction with your content. Here's how they help and some tips on making good ones:

IG Stories

IG Stories let you share moments from your day. They disappear after 24 hours. They're good because they are at the app's top, so people see them first. You can use polls, questions, and stickers to make your Stories interactive. 

IG stories are a good way for customers to see your brand behind the scenes and learn about your brand values.

IG Reels

IG Reels are short videos that can be creative and fun. Plus, reels can reach beyond your followers. If your Reel is popular, it might help you improve your visibility with many other users. Reels have gained a lot of traction, making them another great stream of content your brand can provide. 

Even better, incorporate animations and graphics into your Reels — they make your content more visually interesting. Here’s an example of my own:

Using Stories and Reels can make your Instagram more lively. It's a good way to keep your followers interested and attract new ones.

7. Engage With Your Audience 

Engaging with your audience on Instagram is super important. It helps make a community that supports you. Engaging with your audience builds trust. When you talk to your audience, they feel valued — which makes them more loyal to you.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Reply to comments: Make sure to answer when someone leaves a comment. It shows you're listening.
  • Use polls and questions: In your Stories, ask your followers things. It's a fun way to get to know them.
  • Go live: Live videos are a great chance to talk in real time. You can answer questions and share more about yourself.
  • Like and comment on their posts: Don't wait for them to come to you. Visit your followers' profiles and interact with their content.

Talking and interacting with your followers makes your Instagram feel like a community. It's about more than sharing photos. It's about connecting with people.

To take this to the next level, pair your Instagram efforts with an email newsletter. Doing both of these things can help you encourage your followers and audience to keep up with you in both places — you can invite your email subscribers to follow you on Instagram, and encourage your Instagram followers to subscribe to your newsletter for even more insights. 

My Founder OS newsletter is a great way for me to stay in regular contact with my audience and offer them further actionable advice and information.

If you’re looking to get started with a newsletter, ConvertKit is a fantastic tool to help you build out the perfect email.


So, we covered some top ways to blow up on Instagram. There are many factors to keep in mind, like the algorithm, making your feed look great, and writing powerful captions.

Instagram isn’t just about posting pictures. It's about creating a vibe that pulls people in. Use these methods to stand out, connect with more people, and build a community around what you love. The goal is for your brand to blow up.

Now, it's your turn. Try these strategies, mix them up, and see what works best for you. With creativity and persistence, you can make your Instagram big. 

Want more information on expanding your IG? Check out Founder OS today, and subscribe to the Founder OS newsletter.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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