5 min read
Matt Gray

Social Media Outsourcing: How To Choose a Top Media Marketing Agency

It's no lie that social media has taken over and is crucial to any digital marketing strategy. It's a free platform for you to connect with your target audience. You can share your brand story on social media and grow your online presence. Yet, managing many social media accounts can be a full-time job. That's where social media outsourcing comes into play. 

Outsourcing to a top media marketing agency can save you loads of time. Experts also ensure your social media continues to benefit your company. This guide will show you how to pick the best agency for your business. 

What Is Social Media Outsourcing?

Social media outsourcing is when a business hires an outside agency to manage its social accounts. This includes content creation, posting content, responding to comments, and strategizing to grow the audience. 

A team of experts who regularly navigate social media can grow your business. They use their skills to make sure your brand stands out online. They can help increase brand awareness and drive lead generation.

Common social media platforms that can be included in your social media marketing strategy are TikTok, Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram.

This service is for businesses that don't have the time to handle social media themselves. By outsourcing, you can focus on running your business. Meanwhile, the experts ensure your social media works hard for you. They keep your accounts active and engaging. This helps attract more followers and potential customers.

Outsourcing social media can save time and stress. It lets you tap into the skills of people who live and breathe social media. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithms. This ensures your social media strategy is always on point. It's a smart move. Especially for businesses looking to enhance their online presence. And without adding more work to their plate.

What Are the Benefits of Social Media Outsourcing?

Hiring a social media management agency can be a game changer for your business. Here's why social media outsourcing is a smart move and can benefit your business:

  • Saves Time: Handling social media takes a lot of time. Outsourcing frees up your schedule to focus on other parts of your business.
  • Access to Experts: When you outsource, you get a team of experts who know the ins and outs of social media. They stay up to date with the latest trends and algorithms. This means they can create strategies that work.
  • Improves Quality: These experts know how to create high-quality content that grabs attention. They use their skills to make your brand look its best online.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a full-time social media manager can be expensive. Outsourcing can be more affordable. You get a whole team's expertise for a fraction of the cost.
  • Increases Engagement: Professionals know how to engage with your audience. They can boost interaction through comments, shares, and likes. This engagement is key to building a strong online presence.
  • Drives Results: With their expertise, outsourced teams can drive better results. This includes more followers, higher engagement, and even sales.
  • Analytical Insights: Outsourcing agencies use tools to track your rankings and how well your social media is doing. They provide reports and insights. This data helps in making informed decisions to grow your business further.

Outsourcing your social media can lead to better performance and growth. It lets you leverage expert knowledge while focusing on what you do best.

What To Look For When Choosing a Media Marketing Agency

When choosing the top social media marketing agency for your business, consider a few things listed here: 


When picking a top social media marketing agency, start with their expertise. Look for an agency that knows social media inside out. They should know how to handle different platforms. This includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Each platform works differently. The agency should use strategies that work best for each one.

The agency should also be up to date with the latest trends. Social media changes fast. You want a team that keeps up. They should know what type of content works best now. For example, video content is big on most platforms today.

An agency with a broad range of skills can help you more. This includes creating posts, running ad campaigns, and analyzing data. They should know how to make your social media drive sales and grow your brand.


Whether you have a small business or a large enterprise, vetting the agency’s years of experience in your industry is crucial. Look for a social media outsourcing agency that has previously worked with businesses like yours. This experience means they understand your market and what your customers want.

Agencies with industry experience will know the challenges you face. They've seen what works and what doesn't in your field. This can save you time and money. You won't have to test strategies that are unlikely to work for your audience.

Also, check their track record. See if they have case studies or testimonials from businesses in your industry. This can give you a clear idea of their success rate and what you can expect.

An agency that knows your industry can also offer valuable insights. They will know what social media channels are the best for optimization. They might suggest new trends or marketing opportunities you haven't thought of. This can give you an edge over your competitors.

In summary, choosing an agency with industry experience is smart. They bring knowledge and insights specific to your field. This can lead to more effective social media campaigns ensuring your business thrives.

Process of Managing Social Media Platforms

You should be aware of the agency's process for managing social media platforms. This includes planning, creating, and sharing content.

First, ask how they come up with ideas for social media content. You want to know if they use data and metrics to decide what to share. This means they look at what your audience likes to see.

Then, see how they make these posts. A good agency has a team to write, design, and make videos. This team should make stuff that looks good and matches what your business is about.

An award-winning agency will also have connections. They should be fluent in influencer marketing. They can use their influencer connections to boost your business growth.

It's also important to know how often they plan to post. Too little, and people might forget you. Too much, and people might get annoyed. The best strategists know the right balance.

Ask how they talk to your followers, too. Do they answer questions and comments? This helps make your followers feel valued.

You should also check how they measure progress and performance for social media work. Ask what tools they’re using to see how many people view and react to the posts. Tracking metrics and key insights will help them do better over time.

In short, the agency's way of managing social media should be smart, creative, and focused on what works. They should make your social media pages active and interesting to your followers.

Modes of Communication

Choosing a top social media marketing agency also means looking at how they talk to you and your team. Modes of communication are super important.

You must check if they like emails, phone calls, or video chats. You want a way that works best for you. If you like quick answers, you may want them to use instant messages or emails.

Then, see how often they plan to update you. Some agencies talk to you often, telling you what's happening all the time. Others might only speak up when they have big news. You should pick what feels right for your business.

Knowing who from the agency will communicate with you is also good. Will it be one person, or will you hear from many people? Having one main person can make things easier. This person knows everything about your project.

Ask how they handle questions or problems, too. You want an agency that answers fast and clearly. This shows they care about your business and want to help.

Good communication means you're always in the loop. You know what's happening with your social media without guessing. This makes working with the agency easy and stress-free.

Tailored to Client’s Needs

When it's time to pick a social media marketing agency, you want one that can tailor its services to your needs.

For example, if your business needs a polished, professional website, the agency should be great at web design. Maybe you need help planning when to post on social media. Then, the agency should make you a content calendar.

If talking to your online community is key, pick an agency good at community management. To get more people to visit your website, you'll need one that knows SEO inside out. And if you're into ads, they should ace PPC and paid social.

If you want to enhance your social media presence, talk content marketing. 

E-commerce businesses? The agency must understand how to sell products online. They should also know how to use email marketing to reach out to customers.

Every business is unique. 

The agency you choose should understand your goals and have the right tools to reach them. They should offer a mix of services tailored for you. This might mean creating a specific plan. It can include website design, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and more.

The best digital marketing agency for you listens to what you need. Then, they use their skills to help your business grow. They don't just offer the same plan to everyone. They make a full-service plan that's just right for you.

Cost of Services

When choosing a top media marketing agency, it's crucial to consider the cost of services.

You want to know how much you'll spend. Agencies can charge in different ways — some might have a fixed price for certain packages. Others might charge based on how much work they do for you each month.

Don't look for the cheapest option. You want to find value. You want an agency that offers good services for what you pay. They should be clear about what you get for your money. This means no hidden fees or surprises.

Before you say yes, ask the agency to explain their costs. Ask what each part of the service costs and what it includes. This helps you understand if you're getting a good deal.

Results Tracking

You need to see how well your social media is doing. Good agencies track everything. They look at likes, shares, and how many new followers you get. But it goes beyond that. They also see how social media helps your business grow. This includes looking at sales numbers or website visits from social media.

They use special tools to keep an eye on these numbers. This way, they can tell you exactly what's working and what's not.

Agencies should share these results with you. They often do this through reports or meetings. This helps you understand what you're paying for. It also allows them to advise you to make data-driven decisions for your business. 

Results tracking is about improving, too. When an agency sees something isn't working, they use marketing solutions to figure out how to fix it. This might mean changing the kind of posts you make. Or, they might suggest new ways to talk to your customers online.

Scale Your Socials

Choosing the right social media marketing agency can change your business. They need to understand your business and how to reach your customers. Look for agencies with the right marketing services, experience, and ways to prove they make a difference. They should talk to you in ways you understand and make plans for your business.

The best agency will help your business grow by reaching more people correctly. It can make your brand stand out online. This is important for any business today.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level with social media, contact Founder OS. We offer tailored strategies to help your business grow — and you can subscribe to the Founder OS newsletter to get my latest tips in your inbox. 

Don't wait to make your mark on social media. Contact Founder OS today and apply for a personalized business growth plan.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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