5 min read
Matt Gray

What Is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing? A 2024 Guide

Lead generation in digital marketing means finding people who might want to buy from you. It's a big part of growing your business online in 2024. 

This guide explains what leads are and why they matter. We'll talk about how to get leads and why it's important for your digital marketing, as well as different ways to attract leads and a few actionable examples.

What Is a Lead?

A lead in marketing is someone who shows interest in your business's product or service in some way. They're potential customers who are a step closer to buying what you're selling, and they’ve taken a specific action that indicates they may become future customers.

Leads might share their contact information with you, like an email address, and this is the initial interest stage. From here, they might interact more by following your social media pages, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a guide, or filling out a form on your website. My Founder OS newsletter is a great way for me to gauge interest in my product — it helps me reel users in and keep them engaged. 

Why Do You Need Leads?

I’ll put this simply. You need leads because they're the starting point for finding new customers. 

Without leads, your business might struggle to grow. They're important because they can turn into buying customers. 

When you have leads, you have a list of people to contact. You can tell them more about your business and what you offer. Once you have their email address, you can reach out to them. This can help increase your sales and grow your business. Leads are seeds for your business's growth. The more you have, the more you can grow.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting potential customers. The goal is to turn them into paying customers. 

It's all about getting these potential customers to take that first step toward buying, and guiding them into the sales pipeline.

Your first step is to collect information from these potential customers, like names, email addresses, or even job titles. With this info, you can follow up and send more information about your products or services. The idea is to guide your leads through the sales process in hopes that they’ll end up buying something.

In digital marketing, lead generation is super important. It uses online tools and strategies to grab the attention of potential customers. From social media to search engines and email campaigns, making the most of the resources available to you is key. 

Create content that appeals to your target audience. Aim to solve problems or answer questions that potential customers might have. This builds interest and trust.

How Does Lead Generation Work?

The process of lead generation involves a few key steps:

  1. Gain Attraction: Use content like blog posts, social media updates, or online ads to grab attention. This content should be interesting and valuable to the target audience — it should make your audience want to learn more.
  2. Engagement: Once your content attracts viewers, aim to engage them further. This might involve asking users to sign up for a webinar, download a guide, or fill out a contact form. The goal here is to gain a contact point.
  3. Information Collection: When people engage, they often provide their contact details. This turns them into leads. The business can now reach out to them with more targeted information. 
  4. Follow-Up: The business keeps in touch with leads through emails. It can also be phone calls or social media. The aim is to provide more information and move leads closer to purchasing.
  5. Conversion: The final goal is to convert leads into paying customers. This happens when leads buy a product or service from the business.

Why Is Lead Generation Important in Digital Marketing?

Lead generation in digital marketing helps you sell more — finding people online who might want to buy your products means you have a better chance of landing a sale.

Plus, it saves time and money. It's cheaper than old-school ads, because many lead-generation avenues are free. You spend less, but still talk to lots of people by engaging. When you know who's interested, you can ensure your ads and messages hit the mark, too. This means you get more for what you spend (if you’re paying for ads).

You can also learn about your customers. Digital tools and insights can show you what your customers like and don't like, helping you make better products that fit their needs.

Lead generation isn’t one-and-done — it’s good for the long run. Once you start generating leads, it keeps getting better. You'll keep finding new people interested in what you sell, even later. Or, even better, your loyal customers will tell others. 

How To Generate Marketing Leads

Getting new customers starts with getting their attention. Here are ways to generate leads:

Paid Advertising

Pay for ads where people can see them, like on websites they visit. Set your budget, find your target audience, and create your ad. For example, if you sell digital books, you can pay to show your ad on a reading blog. 

To get started with paid advertising, use platforms like Google Ads, or place sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. These ads will appear on interested users' feeds and can link to your latest digital products. 

Content Marketing

To succeed with content marketing, start by identifying your target audience. Write or create videos about topics people want to know more about. If you're good at something specific, share it — people who like your content might buy your products or follow your social media or blog. 

You can write blog posts on platforms like WordPress about topics related to your product, or create engaging YouTube videos reviewing the latest updates in your niche. This content can draw other lovers of your topic to your site. 

For example, I focus my YouTube content around tips and insights for the entrepreneurial world. From business success to personal growth, I create videos to help my audience succeed on their own journeys. 

Once you draw viewers in, don't forget to engage with them. This not only turns leads into potential customers. It leads them through the funnel while also forming a relationship. 


SEO (search engine optimization) makes your website more visible — especially to Google. You can do this by finding keywords. 

Research what people are searching for on Google, and incorporate those specific words into your website and content. 

It’s also key to ensure your website loads fast and is easy to use. Writing helpful content for customers will make people visit your site more, and you want to make sure your site is meeting (and exceeding) their expectations. 

You also want to build your authority so that other websites link to yours. This shows Google that you know your stuff, and customers appreciate that. 

SEM (search engine marketing) also makes your website visible, and it entails paying for ads to get more traffic to your website. You need to decide how much you want to spend and who should see your ads — based on stats, you can pick certain locations, age groups, or interests. The last step is testing to see what ads are working and if you want to put more money into certain ads. 

Social Media

Social media platforms are great for finding new leads. You can use Instagram to show new products through stories, for example. This might make people want to buy them. 

On LinkedIn, you can share tips or advice that professionals find helpful. This can attract business clients. Also, posting interesting content can get people to talk or ask questions. If they like what you share, they might follow you. Later, they could become buyers. 

If users find your content useful, they may share your post on their own social media. This can attract new leads, especially by referral. It would be good to thank your followers or repost their posts about your product. 

Engaging with your audience on social media helps turn followers into potential customers.

Online Events

Online events are a smart way to generate leads. Host a master class, a webinar, or a virtual coffee chat. People who sign up for your event are already interested in what you offer. Their attendance shows they're curious about your services or products. 

During these events, it's crucial to gather contact information. This allows you to follow up with them later. You can share more about your products or offer special deals. Sometimes, participants decide to buy your product right during the event. 

Also, engaging with attendees during the event can strengthen their interest. You can answer questions or provide more insights. This interaction makes them more likely to become customers.

In-Person Events

In-person events are a fantastic way to meet potential customers. Whether you're attending or hosting, choose locations where your target audience gathers. This setting provides the perfect opportunity to showcase your products. The personal interaction at these events can make a big difference. 

A face-to-face conversation gives a personal touch. That might convince someone to become a customer. Showing your product in action or answering questions on the spot can lead to instant connections. These events help you gain new customers. And strengthen your relationship with existing ones.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another powerful strategy for generating leads. It lets you reach people's inboxes with offers, news, and helpful information. Start by encouraging website visitors to sign up for your newsletter. You could offer a free download or a special discount as an incentive. 

Once you have their email, send regular, valuable content that meets their needs. This keeps your audience engaged and nudges them closer to making a sale. Personalize these emails based on user behavior to make them more effective. 

Email marketing can strengthen relationships with potential customers. And encourage loyalty, making it a vital part of any lead generation strategy.

Offering AI Support

Offering AI support is a smart way to generate leads. Use AI chatbots on your website or social media to answer questions any time, day or night. This helps people learn about your products without waiting. 

A chatbot will pop up when someone visits your website, and it will usually ask, "How can I help?" This makes visitors feel welcome, and it gives them a resource if they have questions. If the chatbot solves their problem, they might leave their email for more info. That's a new lead.

Plus, AI support gathers data on what people ask most, which can help you understand your customers better. You can improve your products or services based on real questions. 

AI support is like having a helpful assistant always ready. It makes your brand stand out for great customer service. This approach attracts more leads because people like fast answers.

The Bottom Line

Generating leads is crucial for growing your business in the digital world. We've explored strategies like paid advertising, content marketing, SEO, social media, and events. Each method has its unique benefits. All contribute to boosting brand visibility and engaging with potential customers.

Remember, the best lead generation strategy combines different approaches tailored to your goals. Finding what works for your audience is key.

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? 

Explore Founder OS for tools and insights designed to enhance your lead-generation efforts. Sign up for our Founder OS newsletter to learn more about boosting your online business. Apply for your Founder Freedom with FounderOS today.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


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Matt is an absolute beast when it comes to audience and community growth. He has one of the fastest growing brands online and is an incredible teacher. He goes above and beyond to help founders - you can tell he genuinely cares. Would highly recommend working with him.

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