5 min read
Matt Gray

How To Become a Content Creator in 2024


In 2024, content creators play a key role in the digital world. They shape how we see and interact with the world through various media, working across different platforms and making content in the form of videos, blogs, or social media posts. 

Content creators are behind much (and most) of the content we consume daily. For example, when you're watching a tutorial on YouTube or scrolling through Instagram, you’re likely passing a stream of media crafted by content creators. 

A content creator’s work impacts entertainment, education, marketing, and even politics — by making engaging content, creators can reach millions of people. This makes their role crucial in spreading information and culture in today's society.

Ready to dive into the world of content creation? Read on to learn what it takes to start your journey as a content creator in 2024. 

What Is a Content Creator?

A content creator makes content for specific audiences on the internet, focusing on filming videos, writing posts, or sharing photos. 

Content creators share their work on websites like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, and they’re able to help viewers learn new things while also serving as a source of entertainment.

Content creators add to what we see and learn online, spanning different platforms to share their ideas and stories. They make sure that when you go online, there's always something new and exciting to see. 

What Are the Main Types of Content Creators?

Content creators come in many forms, and each type of creator uses different skills and platforms to share their work. 

Here's a look at some of the main types:

Social Media Content Creators

These creators use platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for content marketing, making posts with the goal of going viral and reaching larger numbers of people. Their work includes everything from photos and videos to stories and live streams.

Brand Ambassadors

These creators mainly focus on increasing brand visibility. They serve as brand representatives and work to show off the brand’s products in a positive light through posts, videos, or public appearances.

Podcast Hosts

Podcast hosts create audio content. They might talk about news, education, or entertainment. Podcasts are great for people to listen to on the go, like during commutes or workouts.


Photographers create visual content. They might work on digital marketing online or in print, and their photos can appear in everything from advertisements to high-end fashion magazines.


Videographers are video content experts, creating everything from short clips for social media to long films. Their work requires skills in shooting and editing video.


YouTubers create new content for YouTube videos. They make long and short videos on a wide range of topics and post them on their YouTube channel.


Gamers stream their gameplay online on platforms like Twitch or YouTube. They interact with their viewers live as they play to boost engagement and keep their audience coming back.


Graphic designers might work in graphic, digital, or web design. They create everything from website layouts to stunning graphics for social media.

Content Writers and Bloggers

These creators focus their content strategy on writing. They produce digital content for blogs, websites, and social media platforms. High-quality content can help explain, persuade, and entertain the reader.

Each type of content creator has a unique role in the digital world. They use their skills to inform, entertain, and educate their audiences. Content creators help shape how we understand the world around us.

How To Become a Content Creator in 2024

Becoming a content creator in 2024 means you need to be creative and know about technology.

Here are eleven steps to help you start your journey:

1. Identify Your Niche

Find what you love and what you can talk about for hours to a target audience. It could be anything from cooking to tech gadgets. Your niche should reflect your passion and knowledge. This makes creating content feel more like fun than work.

2. Master Necessary Skills

Learn skills that will help you create better content. If you're into video, learn video editing. If you're into writing, hone your writing skills. SEO knowledge is also crucial to helping people find your content easily.

3. Set Up Your Social Media Profiles

Your social media profiles are like your digital storefront. Make them look professional. Use a clear profile picture, create a compelling bio, and link to your other content.

4. Invest in the Right Tools

Quality matters. Use good cameras for filming. You need reliable software for editing. Planning your content with efficient tools ensures quality. This will help you produce professional-looking and valuable content. After all, that increases user viewership.

5. Plan and Create a Content Calendar

A good digital marketing strategy needs a content calendar. It helps you stay organized and consistent. Plan what to post and when — this keeps your audience engaged and helps you manage your creative time.

6. Consistently Create and Post Content

The key to growing as a content creator is consistency. Keep creating and posting content often to build your presence and keep your audience coming back for more.

7. Engage With Your Audience

Talk to your audience. Take the time to respond to their comments and messages. 

Engagement helps build a community around your content. It shows your audience that you value their support and feedback.

8. Utilize Analytics To Gauge Performance

Track your content’s performance with tools like YouTube Analytics to see your metrics. Look at what works and what doesn't. Use these insights to improve your future content.

9. Explore Monetization Options

There are many ways to make money as a content creator. You can display ads, get sponsorships, sell merchandise, or start a subscription service. Find what works best for your content and audience.

10. Stay Updated 

The digital world changes fast. New platforms and trends pop up all the time. Stay updated, and don't be afraid to try new things.

11. Network 

Networking helps you learn from others in collaboration. It can open up new opportunities. Join creator communities, attend workshops, and connect with other creators online.

What Are Some Tools Successful Content Creators Use?

You need the right tools to become a full-time content creator in 2024. Here are some essentials:

Content Planning Tools

Tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Calendar can help you organize your content schedule. They make it easy to see what's coming up and stay organized. This way, you never miss a post date.

Content Research Tools

BuzzSumo and Google Trendsare perfect for discovering what content is popular now. You can see trending topics and use them to decide what to create next. They help make sure your content is always fresh and exciting.

Posting/Management/Scheduling Tools

Hootsuite, Buffer, and SocialPilot canhelp you schedule your posts in advance. You can manage all your social media accounts from one place. This saves you time and keeps your posting consistent.

These tools and their templates can make a big difference in your content creation. They help you plan better, stay on schedule, and keep your content interesting. This can lead to more followers and more success online. 

Turn Posts into Profit

With the right approach, your creativity can become a thriving money-making career.

Find your niche based on what you love and know. Master essential skills like SEO, video editing, or writing. Use tools like Trello for planning and Hootsuite for scheduling to keep your content on track. Engage with your followers to build a community. Keep learning to stay ahead of trends and connect with other content creators to grow and learn.

Content creation is a way to connect and communicate. It can be your way to shine.

Ready to start? Check out Founder OS. We offer tools, tips, and support to help you succeed in the fast-paced world of digital content.

Sign up for our Founder OS newsletter for more insights and strategies. Want a customized plan? Fill out our typeform for a personalized content strategy and action plan. 

Start your journey as a content creator today and make your mark on the world.

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Matt Gray

Founder & CEO of Founder OS

I’ve built 4 successful companies and a community of over 14 million people. My mission is to help 100,000,000 founders automate their business and hit $5,000,000 profit per year. I help you grow your personal brand and business in just 3 minutes a week.

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Matt’s advice is super on point because it’s practical. He’s gone through and done everything that he preaches. If you don’t want to spend hours digging up frameworks on content, growth, marketing, and general startup advice - talk to Matt, read his newsletter, or sign up for his course.


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Matt gives you the exact systems, templates, and frameworks he's used to build a community of 14 million and grow multi-million-dollar companies. It's clear he's walked the walk, and each issue is actionable as heck.

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